When considering a move to a new city, it's essential to delve deep into the local economy and job market. Fort Lauderdale, Florida, often referred to as the "Venice of America" due to its intricate canal system, offers a unique blend of waterfront living, a vibrant job market, and diverse industries. In this guide, we'll take a closer look at Fort Lauderdale's economy, highlighting key sectors, major employers, and promising career prospects.

Fort Lauderdale Industries: A Diverse Economic Landscape

Fort Lauderdale's economic landscape is multifaceted, offering opportunities across various sectors. Here's a detailed exploration of the key industries driving economic growth in the area:

Tourism and Hospitality

Fort Lauderdale's allure as a…

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Boca Raton Economy: Top Industries

Boca Raton, Florida, is not only known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant culture but also for its diverse and thriving economy. If you're considering a move to this sunny paradise, it's essential to understand the key industries that drive the local economy.

Healthcare and Biotechnology

Boca Raton boasts a robust healthcare and biotechnology sector. With world-class medical facilities like the Boca Raton Regional Hospital and the presence of research institutions, it's no surprise that this industry is a significant contributor to the local economy.

Finance and Banking

As one of the wealthiest cities in Florida, Boca Raton is a hub for financial services. Numerous banks, investment firms, and hedge…

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Last week was marked by a flurry of activity in the job market, generating a wealth of data that caught the attention of the Federal Reserve. This begs the question: have we reached the peak of mortgage rates for 2023 due to these labor reports? 

Nationally, last week saw:

  • Active listings increase 5,654
  • Average mortgage rates dropped from 7.37% to 7.08% (our preferred lender is still significantly lower than this)
  • Purchase applications also climbed by 2% on a week-to-week basis.

Mortgage rates and the bond market

Mortgage interest rates typically move in the same direction as the 10-year US Treasury Bond. Despite a rise in the 10-year yield after the jobs report, mortgage rates remained steady.

But in 2023 a notable change has…

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